Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Sunday everyone!!

Well, I have certainly been super busy this past week!  Baby shower, birthdays, work, and trying to get ready for the upcoming holidays.  The cleaning alone would send me running out of the house to try to catch a great sale at Michaels or AC Moore LOL!  I tried to get inspired last night-working on some Thanksgiving cards which I am never late on creating but this year I am behind the 8 ball!  It took me a few hours just to get the creative juices flowing but eventually I came up with some really cute and simple cards for friends and family.  I will post some pics later today.  I also have a super surprise for this upcoming keep checking back and stay tuned!  Now it is off to one of the largest craft fairs in town!!!   

1 comment:

  1. I've been crazy busy too lately! I sent you an award go to my blog to claim it!

